Letail Has Collapsed Owing Staff And Customers £££££

So yes after a very wild and rocky few years of dodgy dealings and ripping off hundreds of people who bought his dodgy sofas, word on the street is that Letail has finally collapsed and is in debts of up to £30k plus.

Letail Ltd Has Finally Succumbed To The Inevitable End Of Life Punishment

Music to our flipping ears! Finally some justice is better than none at all i suppose. Now we can have the last laugh after witnessing what should have happened to these bunch of sofa scammers many moons ago.

Letail Has Collapsed
Photo by Flickr on Pexels.com

Finally, after being tucked up by these sofa scamming rats we can rejoice in the fact that the owner, some scammer called John Lewell has hopefully been struck off and has to start bankruptcy proceedings.

Letail ltd which had used ebay and facebook to peddle these dodgy sofas has officially been shut down i can confirm by staff who also got ripped off by him.

So if you are reading this John, you scam rat, all your customers who you fleeced and made a quick buck out of are laughing our fucking asses off right now and we had the last laugh.

Letail is No More! Hip Hip Horraayyyyy! Shut That Scam Down!

Should have happened a while back but i can’t complain, but forever rejoice in the fact that in the end us, the victims of this inbred scamming monkey that we had the sweetest victory of them all.



Please note that scum like John will start up another sofa scam using someone else’s name, address etc so keep that in mind and stay one step ahead.

Published by Daz

Business owner and family guy.

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